
Welcome to the website of IoT activities of EURECOM. Our research and development on the IoT and Web of Things (WoT) have been funded by French FUI Projects (WL-Box 4G), French ANR Project DataTweet, EU H2020 (F-Interop, HIGHTS, 5G CroCo), EIT Digital Drones112 Project, and Franco-German Academy (AFA) SCHEIF project.

Our activities focus on (i) fundamental research in the IoT, WoT, and Edge Computing, (ii) developing the IoT common service functions for interoperability and WoT reference implementation,  (iii) technology transfer on IoT gateway and V2X based Connected Car and (iv) standardization of WoT. Through these R&D, we have implemented and sustained the EURECOM IoT Platform. This Cloud based secure software platform supports IoT device registration, management, discovery, processing, actuation, and notification over HTTPS. The platform has been utilized in ANR DataTweet, EU H2020 HIGHTS, and AFA SCHEIF projects to develop Smart Home, Smart City, Industry 4.0, and Connected Car based use cases. The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of the platform is six (technology demonstrated in relevant environment).

EURECOM's future R&D directions are concetrated on five pillars - (i) extending the capabilities of the EURECOM IoT Platform to realize advance and cross-domain IoT use cases, (ii) implement "Minimum Interoperability Mechanisms" (MIM) in the Platform to achieve cross-platform, Semantic Interoperability, (iii) contribute to ongoing standards on IoT, W3C WoT, AIoTI, (iv) Large Scale Pilot demonstrations of cross-domain IoT use cases and (v) engage in the research on SDN, NFV, and Edge Computing.

EURECOM won a special mention award for the paper titled "Developing and Integrating a Semantic Interoperability Testing Tool in F-Interop Platform" in IEEE Tensymp 2018, July 2018.


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