Engagement with Standards

We will continue to engage with AIoTI, IETF, oneM2M, W3C, and ETSI for standardization in IoT, WoT, and related areas.

Engagement with oneM2M partnership project for IoT

  1. ?Semantic Web best practices: Semantic Web Guidelines for domain knowledge interoperability to build the Semantic Web of Things by Amelie Gyrard and Christian Bonnet in MAS Working Group in April 2014.
  2. A unified language to describe M2M/IoT data by Amelie Gyrard and Christian Bonnet in MAS Working Group in March 2015.

Engagement with W3C Web of Things (WoT) Interest and Working Groups

  1. We are actively involved into the W3C WoT Interest and Working Groups working towards Thing Description, Scripting APIs, Discovery, Security & Privacy.
  2. We are also developing a reference implmentation of the ongoing WoT specifications.

Engagement with IETF

  1. Participation in the IETF 101 Hackathon in London.

Engagement with AIoTI

  1. TBD


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